
The Ipad Lawyer Promo2

The iPad Lawyer: Real Secrets for Your iPad Success [PDF Edition]

by Scott J. Grossberg

Digital Price: $25 (includes access to 90-minute digital download of one of Scott’s recent iPad seminars)

Publication Date: January 2013

We all grew up being told that computers would make our lives easier. Well, they lied to us . . . until now! The iPad has become a game-changer. This is an expanded version of the book that Scott uses in all of his iPad Lawyer seminars and workshops. It is a no-frills, content-packed guide to getting the most out of your iPad so that you, too, can be insanely productive and massively profitable . . . all while having fun in the process! Can you really afford not to take your technology skills to the next level? Wouldn’t you like to stay ahead of your competition and impress the heck out of your clients? Then, this book is for you!

The iPad Lawyer is approximately 80 pages of step-by-step, hands-on advice and sensational app recommendations. Scott has done all the work for you. He has personally tried and tested all of the information you will receive! This is one of the most practical and comprehensive books about using the iPad in a legal business environment you can and should make part of your success library.

◆    File Size: 5mb

◆    Publisher: Dark Pen Press (January 2013)

◆    Sold by: Cihigoyenetche, Grossberg & Clouse

◆    Language: English

For those of you who prefer a Kindle version, The iPad Lawyer: Real Secrets for Your iPad Success, is also available on Amazon. CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION.

Here’s the catch – the special 90-minute digital download is not available through Amazon.

As you know, I work with lawyers who want to take their technology skills, in general, and their iPad power, in particular, to the next level of achievement. I can make anyone more successful! However, most of my work is done in person at seminars or through in-house training. It’s gotten to the point, however, that the “Help me!” calls require me to be available all the time. So, to better serve you and give you the next best thing to my personal training, I wroteThe iPad Lawyer: Real Secrets for Your iPad Success. The book is available now as a PDF download. JUST CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE ORDER PAGE.

When you order, you also get a FREE 90-minute digital download of my recent iPad Lawyer mini-seminars! (Value: $50)

If you don’t know already, I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you in both the book and the audio; I’ve spent countless hours figuring out the features of the iPad and learning how to apply those benefits to what we do – practicing law and making money running a business! I tell you exactly what you need to do to become phenomenal at using the iPad. It’s really important that you also know that I have field tested many, many, many different iPad apps and, in this book, I am giving you all the various ways you can use free and paid apps to accomplish what you need to achieve.

Look, your time is the most important asset you have as a lawyer (other than your knowledge). I respect that. I, in turn, am very picky about my workflow and choosing apps that compliment how I do things. This book outlines how I work so you don’t lose time figuring all this out on your own.

As you can imagine, I’ve already gotten a lot of interest in The iPad Lawyerbook. Before you invest in this purchase, I want you to know there is a way to make what is in the book (and audio) a massive success for you and help take you from being an iPad novice to being a confident iPad master. Here it is:

Step 1. Get Real. Decide you want to move the iPad from being a toy to being a massive success tool!

Step 2. Get Clear. Choose how you want to work with your iPad so that it works the way you want, not the other way around!

Step 3. Get the Tools. Use my recommendations to download the apps that will serve you best!

Step 4. Get an iPad Habit. You must make the iPad and what you will learn in my book an integral part of your workflow – EVERYDAY!

If you feel like The iPad Lawyer book is right for you, CLICK HERE and order the PDF and audio download. You can put the PDF on your iPad for easy reference and reading. And . . . you can print out the PDF for your own personal use and safekeeping. Naturally, you can listen to the audio on your iPad, iPod, iPhone or computer.

All my best. – Scott Grossberg

P.S. – For those of you who haven’t taken the leap and purchased your iPad, yet, or you are still on the fence, this book has so much exciting stuff that I am revealing, your decision will be an easy one.

P.P.S. – Of course, you can always contact me at sgrossberg@cgclaw.com for personal one-on-one or firm-wide help!

P.P.P.S. – If you’re interested in a volume discount for 5 or more books, just email Veronica Speed at vspeed@cgclaw.comor call her at 909-483-1850.

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