Monthly Archives: March 2016

The iPad Lawyer – Day One 2 Journal FREE

Good afternoon, iPad Lawyer Tribe!

For those of you who like to journal, you might be interested in a FREE offering from Apple for Day One 2! (By the way, I have posted before about using this app for tracking case, client, and file notes.)

Here’s how you get it:
1. OPEN the APPLE STORE app on your device (not the APP STORE).
2. SCROLL down until you see the “Keep a beautiful journal” banner and the Day One logo. It should be right under Featured Accessories.
3. TAP on “Download Day One 2 free.”
4. FOLLOW the instructions including TAPPING on Redeem.
Want to know more about Day One 2? Take a look >>>
That’s it for today. Here’s to your continued iOS success! – Scott

The iPad Lawyer – Apps – 3/22/2016

Good morning, iPad Lawyer Tribe.

I have a couple of apps that have gone on sale today for you to consider.

First, for those of you who like to read AND take notes on your iOS devices (that’s right – BOTH iPad and iPhone), you will want to consider MarginNote Pro. Using both the pdf and epub formats, this app provides a rather unique and time-saving approach to reviewing, using, and researching information. Normally, this app is $6.99. Today it is only $.99. You save $6.00.

App Store Link:

Second, if you create screenplays or scripts (and, quite frankly, anyone in the public speaking arena should consider putting their presentations in script format if, for no other reason, the timing ability it provides you), you will want to consider Scripts Pro. The app allows you to generates industry standard screenplay formatting on both your iPad and iPhone. Scripts Pro is normally $11.99. Today it is on sale for $9.99. You save $2.00.

App Store Link:

That’s it for today. Here’s to your continued iOS success! – Scott

The iPad Lawyer – Some Amazing Workflow Ideas

Good morning, iPad Lawyer Tribe.

Powerfully and elegantly managing my businesses, colleagues, projects, and customer/client expectations is what I’m all about. The real value I bring to my co-workers and customers/clients is my commitment to bringing them the greatest experience they’ve ever had.

That all begins with project management. I thought I’d spend a few moments sharing with you the tools that I personally use to keep it all together, running smoothly, and creating and capturing value.

First, for internal team communication, we use Slack ( I love their motto, by the way: Work Hard. Go Home. Think of Slack as instant messenger and text messaging on steroids. I get hundreds of emails a day. Yes, I could go through my email, use the search function, hone in on keywords, etc. Slack allows us (again, internally) to keep things all in one place and it’s so easy for me to use on my iPhone and iPad. I do NOT use Slack for outside communications; for that, I still use email.

In using Slack, we have the following channels (think of them as topics):

Office Management

The basic version of Slack is FREE!

App Store Link:

You can also use Slack online or as a desktop app.

Second, for checklists and to-dos, I am in love (that’s right – LOVE) with Asana ( Asana is FREE for up to 30 members and you can have multiple projects.

I have Asana set up so that my colleagues and I can all post and schedule action items that keep us on track, highly focused, and insanely interactive (e.g., that means we’re highly efficient and effective). One quick tip: use action words to create your Asana items, not just reminders. You can use your standard calendar for reminders. Asana is best used, in my opinion, as an accountability tool. (By the way, you, too, are going to LOVE the email updates that Asana sends you.)

And you’ll be fascinated by the way Slack and Asana can be integrated to work together.

There is an app version for your iPhone and iPad. For desktop use, you must use the web/online version.

App Store Link:

Once you get to know Asana, you will want to take your use of it to the next level of amazing. Do a Google search and you will find all kinds of power user tips and tricks!!!

I can’t wait to read of your success with these two workflow dynamos. Here’s to your continued iOS success! – Scott

The iPad Lawyer – Apps – 3/7/2016

Good morning, iPad Lawyer Tribe.

I just finished trial in federal court. You can imagine the case and project management that had to take place. All of the management took place using iThoughts iOS ( Indeed, for those of you who remember the old Lotus Notes program (I’d actually return to DOS if I could get that program back), I have found a strategy and workflow that emulates Lotus Notes using iThoughts iOS!!!!

If you don’t yet know about iThoughts iOS, check it out here:

App Store Link:

It’s $11.99 – not one of the least expensive apps. But . . . it’s one of the apps that I USE ALL THE TIME and it has paid for itself in time and money savings and my own peace of mind long ago.

By the way, I use iThoughts on my iPad and iPhone. It is synced to Dropbox ( Then I use XMind Pro ( on my desktop to work seamlessly between mobile and fixed workstations.

For those of you who like to plan your work and brainstorm with Post-It® Notes, you might enjoy Stickyboard 2. As the publishers say, it’s a giant whiteboard with a never-ending stack of sticky notes ( Ordinarily, the iPad app is $9.99. Today it is FREE!

App Store Link:

That’s it for today. Here’s to your continued iOS success! – Scott